
… to my electronic repository of professional enterprise.

I am an academic and a goldsmith. I have a PhD in Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture from the Bard Graduate Center and I work at the intersection of humanities, science, and industry. My research areas are early modern alchemy, laboratory technologies, and emblem culture as well as studies on jewelry, industry, and environmental toxicity.

As a historian, I direct “Gold & Mercury” an interdisciplinary research project that examines the chemical histories of these two interrelated meals and how they have reshaped bodies, cultures, and environments.

As a maker, I create ethical jewelry that brings hidden histories to light @primamateria.nyc

I teach students at undergraduate and graduate levels as well as adult learners, I am a history educator to jewelry industry professionals, and I lecture for museum outreach programs. My teaching practice combines the study of texts, images, and objects with hands-on work using tools and materials.

Please direct enquiries to bilak12keys[at]gmail[dot]com



© Donna Bilak and dbilakpraxis.com (2012–2021)
